Monday, March 5, 2012

Up the Trail Together

During the first two decades of the Iditarod Sled Dog Race people said it could never be a spectator sport. Then along came social media. Today, following the race is not only possible from any place in the world; it can also be extremely exciting with a multitude of sites presenting a variety of perspectives. Each one helps spectators who cannot actually be there in person, still they can 'be out on the trail'.

John Baker at Willow re-start
Seeing the start in person is special, exhilarating, and obviously a must for race fans. Those who were at the Anchorage start and Willow re-start may feel like the Iditarod excitement is over but it’s only just begun! The good news is that getting out to each checkpoint is not required if you want to ‘follow’ the race. It is very possible to be on top of what’s happening out on the trail virtually.

We encourage you to do your own searches but to get started here is a list with just a few of the sites to visit.

First, go to the Iditarod Sled Dog Race website at for the official race updates, both written and video stories, with play-by-play commentary at each checkpoint along the trail. While visiting the Iditarod website check out each musher’s bio and visit the link they include for their fans to follow. Many have some sort of race update source.

Follow with Alaska's on-line news site, Alaska Dispatch, for on-the-spot Team and Trail stories by a team of knowledgeable race analysts including Iditarod veteran Zack Steer at:

Ben Matheson and Laureli
Kinneen with KNOM Radio
Commentators from Nome, Laureli Kinneen and Ben Matheson, are exceptional at getting in-depth interviews for KNOM Radio at
 Blogs to check out include the Anchorage Daily Newspaper at with Kyle Hopkins for the Iditarod Live Sled Blog; and the Iditablog with Josh and Nate Sobie at

There are so many more more sites and each one a validation that there is no doubt the Iditarod is a spectator sport! And Team Baker is proud to be in the midst of it all – both real-life and virtually.

Team Baker has a network of volunteers comprised of contributing photographers, writers, and race analysts who are pooling their talents to provide information, updates, and analysis - not just about Team Baker but about the race in general. We have a few sites intended to provide a space for all race supporters, and especially the communities that host a checkpoint along the Trail, who want to be connected to each other. 

We want to share our enthusiasm for this amazing race with everyone and have created the following: A website to provide information about John Baker, the dogs, and their Arctic home. Go to  A Facebook page to provide quick bits of info plus photos and video. Go to: and follow John Baker Iditarod Update. We are also tweeting on Twitter with notes about what is happening. Go to: and sign up to follow John Baker @ teamjohnbaker. Finally we are Blogging with stories and insights providing more detail, color and in-depth race analysis at this site

If you’ve caught the Iditarod fever we’re thrilled to share the journey all along the trail right up to the finish in Nome with you. We invite everyone to contribute photographs, share stories, and give race insights. Let’s enjoy the ride up the trail together!

One final note about the importantance of spectators is perhaps best described by John Baker who reminded us that "there would be no race without all the people, volunteers and fans, who support the Iditarod." Check out the video clip taken at the Iditarod banquet to hear his comments at:

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